As cryptocurrency demand increases exponentially, the underlying blockchain technology development skill has reached the second-hottest skill in the job market.
Till last year not much recruiting companies were aware of blockchain development. Currently there are more than 4000 blockchain jobs available and there aren’t enough candidates to fill the roles. Companies are finding it very hard to keep up with the demand. With the exponential growth of blockchain companies in 2017, the demand for blockchain developers has increased and will keep increasing for 2018.
Recently we also have seen some of the largest banks in the Wall Street adopting blockchain. Hence it will be a matter of time before the financial companies need an army of blockchain developers to keep up with the rapid changing technology.
As per the quarterly skills index, blockchain is the second most skill globally as published on upwork.
As per the burning glass technologies the number of jobs have increased exponentially.
As companies find the value of blockchain adoption, the demand is expected to grow. Adding to that with increased value of cryptocurrency at 560 billion market-cap is expected to grow to a trillion. This will definitely create a unseen demand with the growth.
If you want to know what is blockchain, please wait for out next issue.