Harshgraph – The Future Of Distributed Ledger Technology

Guest Author – Samson Most ledger transaction operate on blockchain which experience limitations. It’s difficult to get rid of the nodes that disagree with blockchain same as the consensus mechanism with the proof of work being slow. Harshgraph has the…

Walmart Plans to Reduce Cost Of Doing Business using Blockchain

Guest Author – Samson Walmart plans on using blockchain to facilitate shipping through tracking packages on transit.  Walmart patent application filed on August 2017 will allow them to deploy the smart package to aid in tracking of the goods in…

Transparency to Sierra Leone’s presidential election by a Blockchain

Blockchain helps in bringing transparency to Sierra Leone’s presidential election: The recently concluded presidential election in Sierra Leone was notable for the effort to make it transparent. The National Election Committee (NEC) of Sierra Leone has engaged Agora, a Swiss…

Artificial Neural Network to transform medical landscape Powered by Blockchain

Moscow, Russia-based SkyChain Global is building a blockchain-powered platform that will expedite adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the medical field. They intend to bring AI’s Artificial Neural Network (ANN) developers, doctors, patients, and medical data providers together facilitating transparent…

Quantum -resistant blockchain development in Russia – Explained

Quantum blockchain is being developed in Russia: A team of blockchain and cryptography developers in Russia are developing quantum-resistant blockchain. This is commendable, because blockchain as we know today is secure, however, once quantum computers are commercialized, today’s technology underpinning…

Popular Petition Electoral Initiative may soon be done via a Blockchain System in Brazil

Cryptocurrencies has the world all abuzz and with its mind-boggling potential to completely replace fiat currencies in the distant future, it’s no wonder why big banks and financial institutions want it banned from circulation. Even governments like China and Russia…

CULedger works with Evernym to launch Digital ID for Credit Unions

CULedger, a consortium of USA-based credit unions, and Evernym, a blockchain development company, has launched MyCUID, a blockchain-powered digital identity system. This will protect the credit union members from identity theft and fraud. An estimated 2 billion people in the…

Wyoming ‘Utility Token Bill ‘ Awaits Governor Approval; Illinois Looking at Tax Payments in Bitcoin

The Pro-Crypto and blockchain adoption wave have grown with new states in the U.S. joining each month. Illinois Looking at Tax Payments in Bitcoin Illinois has become the latest state to join pro-blockchain & cryptocurrency states with the introduction of…

The Appeal of Gold-Backed Cryptocurrencies

Author – Kate, Australia Gold-backed cryptocurrencies are very much in its infancy stage with only about 11 currently available either in their pre-ICO, upcoming pre-ICO, ICO, or upcoming ICO stage. However, interest in this area is growing rapidly with Australia’s…

Port city in southeastern part of India emerges as blockchain hub

Vishakhapatnam, also known as Vizag, a port city in the southeastern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, is emerging as a key blockchain development hub. The government of Andhra Pradesh is making important moves with the “FinTech Valley Vizag” project they…