Kevin O’Leary Talks about Bitcoin and Asset-Backed Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain technology is fast earning the reputation of the disruptive technology it is known for. Recent announcements by Kevin O’Leary have further spurred the adaptation of blockchain technology through the upcoming sales of one-third ownership of an extremely reputable NYC hotel…

Satellite Launched to Space using Blockchain ?

Singapore-based blockchain start-up Spacechain has launched a satellite into space in partnership with another blockchain company Qtum. A Canada-based blockchain company, Blockstream, has also launched a satellite. With these developments, blockchain technology has started making its foray into space. Internet…

Coinbase bug that allowed stealing of Ethereum found by another company

One of the most prominent crypto exchanges, Coinbase, had a bug in their system which could have been exploited by malicious users to steal Ether. However, VI Company, a Dutch FinTech firm, found the bug and alerted Coinbase, helping the…

US National Security Agency can identify Bitcoin users

The United States of America (USA)’s National Security Agency (NSA) can identify Bitcoin users, and they have the capability since several years, as indicated by a report. The report was based on the classified documents that the whistle-blower Edward Snowden…

Blockchain-powered lottery is about to disrupt online lottery market

Cyprus-based blockchain start-up Firelotto plans to disrupt online lottery market with their blockchain-powered lottery. They have a ready product, and have already started 4 online lottery games, with the initial guaranteed prize pool exceeding US $ 1 million. Lottery market…

Ripple xCurrent will be used by Brazil and Latin America’s Largest Bank for Payments Processing

Author – Marequitta Roughly a month ago (February 21), it has been revealed by the Ripple team that Brazil and Latin America’s biggest bank by market cap, Itaú Unibanco, have signed an agreement with Ripple to use its blockchain network’s xCurrent…

Scammers are Turning their Focus to Bitcoins and other Cryptocurrencies

Author : Kate Yong There is an indisputable growth in the popularity of Bitcoin especially with its rapidly rising price within the year of 2017 from US$1083.24 in February to US$19,343.04 by December. This rise is alongside many other cryptocurrencies…

Artificial Neural Network to transform medical landscape Powered by Blockchain

Moscow, Russia-based SkyChain Global is building a blockchain-powered platform that will expedite adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into the medical field. They intend to bring AI’s Artificial Neural Network (ANN) developers, doctors, patients, and medical data providers together facilitating transparent…

Bitcoin and Stock Market Prices Correlated? Wall Street Journal Article Thinks So

Governments and major financial institutions and authorities have always considered Bitcoin as a speculative investment, which means that it may or may not be a legitimate asset that people should be investing in. For the most part, this is because…

Quantum -resistant blockchain development in Russia – Explained

Quantum blockchain is being developed in Russia: A team of blockchain and cryptography developers in Russia are developing quantum-resistant blockchain. This is commendable, because blockchain as we know today is secure, however, once quantum computers are commercialized, today’s technology underpinning…