Pizza Hut to Accept Bitcoin for Pies in Venezuela

When you look at the evolution of money, cryptocurrency is proving to be the most favored and fast-growing payment method among the various known modes of trade. The famous US-based fast-food chain, Pizza Hut, has embraced cryptocurrency as a mode…

Venezuela President announces Crypto Casino to Promote the Petro (PTR)

President Nicolas Maduro announced Friday the opening of a new crypto-casino in his troubled Venezuela. He said that Ávila National Park’s Hotel Humboldt, would soon become the home of the first ever casino in the country to operate with Petro…

Venezuelans increasingly look to crypto, as Local Bolivar is rendered Almost Valueless

As has been reported by several news outlets, Venezuelan citizens are increasingly turning to digital assets such as Bitcoin as an alternative to the Venezuelan Bolivar. This off course has been precipitated by the rendering of the Bolivar almost valueless…

Venezuela Government Launches New Crypto Remittance Service supporting Bitcoin & LiteCoin

News coming out of Venezuela indicate that the government is now supporting Bitcoin, and Litecoin payments. This will happen through the launch of a government-backed crypto-currency remittance platform known as the “Remesas” platform. This platform will allow users to send…

Bitcoin Trading in Venezuela Peaks amid Economic and Presidential Crisis

News coming out of troubled Venezuela indicates that Bitcoin trading has reached an all-time high. This is on the backdrop of hyperinflation and an ongoing presidential conundrum that has plagued the country for a while. Bitcoin weekly trading volumes in…

KFC Venezuela dismisses Earlier Report that it is Accepting Payments in DASH

A report from two days ago that revealed that KFC Venezuela would be accepting dash crypto-currency, has been rubbished by the CEO of KFC Venezuela, Antonio Sampayo. Sampayo revealed that the fast-food chain in that country has held discussions with…

KFC Venezuela Accept Dash as means of Payment

The dash movement is growing fast with KFC Venezuela announcing that they will be accepting payments using the crypto-currency. KFC Venezuela joins a growing list of fast food joints that are warm to crypto. Some of the other fast food…

Venezuela’s Law Makers Pass New Crypto Bill to Combat Biting Sanctions

According to the ministry of communication and information in Venezuela, the country’s constituent national assembly has approved a crypto-currency regulation bill. The bill which will come into law soon had been proposed by Nicolas Maduro, the country’s president. It contains…

The Irony In Venezuela ‘Petro’ Gold Cryptocurrency-Is It A Tale Of David and Goliath Between The US And Venezuela.

Guest Author – Samson The Venezuela media outlets have reported that the ICO for the Petro cryptocurrency has hit the Venezuela market with a big thud. Furthermore, the Venezuela President Nicholas Maduro through his official Twitter account further confirmed the…